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How To Make Tofu Delicious And Simple

How To Make Tofu Delicious And Simple

Hello everyone, I believe everyone likes tofu, but what is the best way to make tofu? Today, we will use 4-yuan tofu to make a very simple and delicious fish-flavored tofu This tofu is sweet, sour and slightly spicy for all ages. It tastes very tasty and delicious. Next, let's follow the camera to see how I do it.

First, we prepare a small handful of white fungus or fungus, and then add a bowl full of it. Soak it in water. After soaking the white fungus, we put it aside and soak it for half an hour. Then prepare fresh tofu for 4 yuan. I used firm tofu today. 

Cut it into three large pieces with a flat knife, then cut the tofu into long strips, and finally cut it into diced tofu. After cutting the tofu into small pieces, put it on a plate for later use. Then we will prepare a small carrot. Remove the skin of the carrot with a peeling knife, and then cut the carrot into thick slices.

The specific thickness is about the thickness of a coin. We can cut it as evenly as possible. After the carrot slices are cut, we will use it again. Cut it with a knife and cut it into shredded carrots. If the knife is not good, we can also use a wiper instead. After the shredded carrots are cut, put it in a bowl for later use. Then we will prepare a green pepper and clean it.

Remove the head, then divide it into 2 from the middle, then remove all the pepper seeds inside, cut it in half, and then change the knife to cut into green peppers. After cutting, we first put it into a small bowl Then we will prepare a few small ingredients, prepare a few peeled garlic seeds, first cut it into sliced garlic, and then chop it into minced garlic. 

After the minced garlic is warped, put it into a small bowl first. For spare, prepare a small piece of ginger, and then prepare a small piece of ginger. Similarly, cut it into minced ginger. The amount of ginger is not too much, just a little is fine.

After cutting it, put it with minced garlic and prepare 3 more pieces. After cleaning the shallots, cut the white onion with a knife and cut it into chopped green onions, and cut the remaining green onion leaves into long sections. 

After cutting it, put it in a separate bowl for later use. Then prepare a few pickled peppers and cut it with a knife. Cut it into small pieces, if you don't have it, don't put it in. After slicing it, put it in a bowl for later use. 

Well, the tremella has been soaked for half an hour. Let's take a look. Then check the root of the fish to see if there is any If there is no dirt such as sawdust, clean it up. After cleaning it up, add a little flour to it, and then add a little water to wash the fish surface.

Because flour has a strong adsorption capacity, it can remove some of the dirty things on the fish surface. It is adsorbed, we try to hold it for a little longer to let the dirt inside completely get rid of it. 

After cleaning it once, we fish it out, change a basin of clean water to continue cleaning it again, and wash it two more times. After 3 times, the tremella is cleaned very cleanly. We can eat it with more peace of mind. After cleaning the tremella Take it out and put it on the chopping board, then take out the kitchen knife and cut it into filaments . After cutting it, put it in a small bowl for later use.

Then we will make a sauce first. Add half a spoon of light soy sauce to the small bowl. Soy sauce, 1 and a half tablespoons of mature vinegar, and a little soy sauce for coloring, then add 1 tablespoon of sugar, 5 grams of salt , and a little chicken essence. 

Finally, add a little bit of cornstarch, then fill it with a small half bowl of water, and then use a spoon to give it. Stir it, stir it evenly, stir it for 1 minute, stir all the seasonings in it fully until melted and completely mixed with the water, then put it aside for later use. Add some salt to the pot to increase the bottom taste, then put the cut tofu into the pot and blanch it in water. The purpose of blanching it can remove some of the beany smell that comes with the tofu and make it taste more delicious.

When we use a spatula to stir it gently, this can make the tofu cubes evenly heated. The time to blanch the tofu should not be too long. Wait until the water is boiled again and then blanch for 1 minute. Boil the tofu for 1 minute. We use a slotted spoon to take it out to control the moisture for later use.

Next, we restart the pot and put a little cooking oil in the pot. After the oil is heated, put the cut ingredients into the pot and stir-fry it with a spatula on a low heat. Stir fry it until fragrant. After frying the small ingredients, we will add 1 and a half spoons of garlic chili sauce to it, then continue to stir fry it on a small fire, fry it to red oil , and then put the shredded carrots Put it in the pot, continue to fire and stir fry it for about 20 seconds, then put the cut white fungus into the pot and continue to stir fry it, stir it evenly, stir fry for 1 hour After that, put the blanched tofu back in the pot again , add a little water to the pot, cook the tofu for a while, about a minute or so, and then pour the prepared sauce into the pot.

After pouring the sauce in, use a spatula to gently push it, and push the seasoning fully away, so that all the ingredients in it can taste evenly. Put the chopped green pepper juice into the pot, continue to push it with the spatula, put the chopped green onion into the pot before the pot is out, and then gently stir it with the spatula, and stir it evenly.

Let the scallions inside be heated and mature. Finally, add a little oil to the pot and stir it for a while. Stir it evenly and it's almost done. Wow, it's really fragrant. It smells very appetizing. Finally, turn off the heat and put it out of the pot. The plate can be eaten beautifully, and it can be eaten beautifully. Well, a very delicious and delicious fish-flavored tofu has been made.

The tofu made in this way is very smooth, tender and delicious. It tastes sweet, sour and slightly spicy. Anything is suitable, especially if you pour it on rice and mix it , it is really a special meal. It is not only simple to make, but also costs only a few dollars. It is really super economical and affordable. If you like this dish, you can save it and try it another day. Okay, today's recipes are simply. 

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