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Teach you how to make salt and pepper loach to be delicious, crispy and delicious

Teach you how to make salt and pepper loach to be delicious, crispy and delicious,

Today, I will share with you a home-made method of spicy fried loach. The loach made according to my method is spicy and delicious. It is very good to serve guests with wine and rice. The loach is said to be steamed ginseng nutrition. The value is also relatively high, and it tastes delicious. Today's practice is a bit like Sichuan-style practice.

First of all, we need to prepare some ingredients, a small bowl of flour, about 50 grams of edible salt, and a bottle of high-quality liquor. Next, let's prepare a pot lid. Pour salt into the loach and we can see that the loach is slowly fainting. After the loach has passed out, we pour in the flour, and then pour 50 grams of high-quality white wine. 

Adding flour can remove the mucus in the loach, and high-quality white wine can also remove the fishy smell. Adding fragrance can also make the loach faint, and then start to use flour to grab the mucus of the loach and mix it evenly.

Grab all the mucus on the surface of the loach. The method like mine is faster and you can easily see the surface of the loach after a while. The mucus is gone, and it is not easy to slip when cleaning. After grasping and mixing evenly, pour a large bowl of water to clean the loach with clean water. Clean the mucus on the surface of the loach. 

Now we can see the surface of the loach. All the mucus is cleaned, it is not slippery when you get it on your hands, and it is also very clean. After all the cleaning is done, we take it out of the water and put it in another large bowl, add water again , and give the flour and white wine on the surface of the loach It doesn't take too long to clean it here , as long as the mucus on the surface is cleaned, then control the water and take it out, put it in a large bowl again , and prepare a pair of scissors to cut the head of the loach first.

Then use scissors to break open the stomach and take out the internal organs. Some good people use hard knives when they break the loach. Personally, I think hard scissors are the safest. If they use a sharp knife, they can get injured please be careful. It is convenient and fast like me. 

A pound of loach can be easily done in a few minutes. After all the processing is done, put it in a large bowl for later use. Pour in clean water again to clean the blood on the surface of the loach. Is it particularly clean? After cleaning, take it out of the water and put it in a large bowl for later use. Take a look at the loach we cleaned. 

It is very beautiful. Then put the loach on the chopping board and pat it with a knife. Patted loach Just like what I have in my hands, the loach that I have patted like this is very delicious.

The patted loach can even eat the bones, and it is very fragrant. After all the patties, put it in a larger bowl for later use.

Make it, put in a few slices of ginger and a handful of shallots, and then grab the green onion and ginger juice for him, pickle the loach for him with the onion and ginger juice, and then add a little cooking wine to remove the fishy smell. There is none, and the marinated loach is very tender when fried.

We start to grab the loach and mix it evenly, give it the onion and ginger juice and eat it into the loach, and then we put a plate of marinade first. After about 10 minutes, prepare some more garlic seeds and cut them into diced garlic. After all of them are cut, pour them into a bowl for later use. Then prepare some peeled ginger and cut them into thin slices, then change the knife and cut them into diced ginger. After all are cut, pour them into the bowl. If you like spicy food, prepare a few more millet peppers.

If you don't like spicy food, you can leave it out. After cutting them all, put them together with ginger. Prepare a handful of chives. Add some chives to the loach for a special fragrance. After the chives are cut, pour them into a bowl.

Reserve another handful of shallots , as long as the white part of the shallots , cut it into small pieces, cut them all and put them in a bowl for later use Next , prepare a small bowl , add a handful of pepper segments, two star anises , add a handful of peppercorns, and adjust another 1 tablespoon of raw soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of chicken essence , 1 tablespoon of pepper powder or five-spice powder, then add a teaspoon of vinegar, and finally add a tablespoon of sugar, and then stir it evenly with a spoon.

Now that our loach is marinated, take out the onion and ginger in the loach. The loach is already delicious. Next, add a little more rapeseed oil. After the oil is hot, we will put the loach in the pan and fry it. When frying the loach, sprinkle a little salt into the bottom to taste, then turn on a small fire and fry slowly, fry the loach until the surface is golden

After the loach is fried until it is set, we will turn it over and fry the other side to connect the loach. If the fire is too high, it is easy to burn. Don’t fry the loach for too long in the pot, about 5 minutes. The meat of the loach itself is relatively tender. It is enough to fry the loach like our hands. Then pour the loach into the colander.

Control the oil in it, then pour the oil into the pot, pour the ginger, garlic, millet and spicy into the pot, turn on a low heat and fry it to get the garlic fragrance. After frying, put the dried chili pepper and star anise in the pot and stir fry them out first. The aroma of peppercorns, add a spoonful of bean paste and continue to stir fry until the red oil is all fried until fragrant, and then put the prepared sauce into the pot.

Stir-fry the seasoning until it dissolves, then add the loach in , turn on the fire and continue to stir fry until it is spicy and fragrant. The fried loach is particularly delicious because the loach itself is fried, as long as the seasoning is fried until it is delicious. 

After frying for a few seconds, add the shallots, stir-fry the shallots until fragrant, and fry for about three or four seconds. Finally, add the leeks and continue to stir fry the leeks until they are broken. Wow really, It's so fragrant. The stir-fried loach is particularly fragrant.

It is also particularly delicious with wine and rice. Sauté until smooth then put it in the pan. A spicy and delicious stir-fried loach. We made this way of stir-fried loach Spicy, delicious and delicious, and it is especially good for drinking and eating. For example, this spring is the season to eat loach. If you learn this method, it will be special to use it to entertain guests

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