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Don't fry peanuts, teach you a new method, you can't forget it once you eat it, it's really fragran

Don't fry peanuts, teach you a new method, you can't forget it once you eat it, it's really fragrant

Hello everyone, how are you all, we hope always healthy and enthusiastic. I am so happy to share the recipe with you all today. Putting two eggs into peanuts is the best way to eat peanuts. Hello everyone, I'm Chao I have prepared 400 grams of peanuts here. First , pick the peanuts with your hands. Like this kind of flower that is not a little damaged, you must pick it out. The damaged peanuts may be bitter in your mouth, so we Pick out all the broken peanuts.

After picking out all the peanuts, use a clean wet rag to wipe it back and forth several times like this, which can effectively wipe off all the dust on the surface of the peanuts. You can also wash it with water for a minute and then put it in the sun to dry naturally, but it will take more time. Next, prepare two smaller eggs and beat them in the peanuts.

Don’t put too many eggs, two are enough for reuse. Stir the eggs and peanuts evenly with chopsticks, so that each peanut can be evenly coated with a layer of egg liquid, so here it needs to be stirred for a while, and it will be almost like this.

Then add a spoonful of salt and a small amount of five-spice powder to the bowl. If you eat chili, you can add some fine chili noodles to the bowl, and then mix all the ingredients fully again. Here we have to stir for a while, and mix all the salt and peppers for it evenly. After stirring evenly, add starch and cornstarch into the bowl. It can be used with potato starch, and then continue to stir it evenly.

The hard amount to pay attention to here is the hard amount of starch. Do n't add too much at one time. Just add it while stirring. According to the actual situation of peanuts, continue to increase the amount of starch. The peanuts are evenly coated with starch and the peanuts will not become lumps.

In this way, the starch on the surface of the stirred peanuts can be more uniform, and the ingredients on the surface of the peanuts will not fall off until each peanut can be coated with a layer.

Thick starch is enough. If there are peanuts that are connected together, use chopsticks to cut them off. Finally, add a little starch and stir until the peanuts are distinct and not sticking together. It is very good. Next, prepare a sparse colander, filter the peanuts like this, and sieve the excess starch out. Put the filtered peanuts into a dry plate first. After all the peanuts are filtered, put a plate for later use. Then turn on the torch. Heat the pot, then pour some more oil into the pot.

It is best to choose rapeseed oil because the marinating point of rapeseed oil is relatively low. First try the oil temperature. Put chopsticks in, and there are sparse small bubbles around. Like this, 50% of the oil temperature can be Next, slowly pour the prepared peanuts into the oil pan. After pouring in, be sure to turn on a small fire.

Remember not to turn on a high fire, otherwise the outside will be burnt but the inside is not cooked. While frying, keep stirring with a spoon to make Each peanut can have more even leaves, because the peanuts are cleaned with a clean wet rag , and Zhang Lian has less raw water, so in the process of frying There is cooking oil splashing out, so as not to hurt yourself , we turn on a small fire and fry slowly, it will take about 5 minutes, and then use chopsticks to pick one as long as there is no raw peanut smell in it.

If there is, continue to fry Fry the whole process for 8 minutes. Take out the fried peanuts with a slotted spoon to control the oil Pour in the peanuts and fry again. It is best not to exceed 30 seconds or 20 seconds when re-frying.

Because the peanuts are easy to fry, we would rather fry them tenderly than fry the peanuts. Now we will fry the fried peanuts. Take out the peanuts, control the oil of the peanuts, and put it in a large bowl for later use. The surface of the peanuts will become very crispy, and you can hear the crackling sound. 

Next, add a small amount of cooking oil to the pot. Add a little more sugar to the bowl, then turn on a low heat and keep stirring with a spoon, turn on a low heat and stir fry slowly First fry the sugar until it melts, fry the sugar in it until the caramel color and slowly turn into a jujube red, and then add the peanuts.

Pour it in and stir fry quickly and evenly, so that each layer of peanuts can be coated with a layer of sugar color. Finally, sprinkle some white sesame seeds into the peanuts, and continue to stir fry quickly and evenly. Stir the sesame seeds inside. Now the peanuts have been It is very fragrant and looks very crispy and delicious.

It can be served like this. Put it into a plate while it is still hot. It has eggs in it, and it has the fragrance of eggs. It is also very nutritious. He is fried, in fact, it does not absorb oil at all. Adults and children love to eat it. Friends who like it can save it and try it. if you have any suggestions please comment in the comments. 

Keep following my posts, to receive many recipes and cooking tips for professional chefs. please practice and continue evaluating the taste of the dish.   don't forget to share this post so it can be useful for others. Hope this recipe is useful and the next recipe

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