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How To Make Steam Sea Bass

When making steamed seabass, don't steam it directly, do two more steps, the fish is fresh and tender, not fishy and not woody


When making steamed seabass, don't steam it directly, do two more steps, the fish is fresh and tende

Hello everyone, This time we will make steamed seabass let 's take a look together. First, we prepare a fresh perch, and then use a knife to scrape off the scales of the perch. Because the scales of perch are relatively small, we must be careful when scraping so as not to hurt our hands. Check the inside. After cleaning, we will scrape off all the black foam in the belly of the fish. 

Don’t. The black foam in the belly of the fish is the main source of the fishy smell, so we need to open fresh water to clean it. Wash it like this. That’s it. Then take it out and put it on the chopping board. After putting it on the chopping board, we must cut off the fish. This is also the main source of fishy smell. 

If it is not cut cleanly, it will taste very big. After the gills are cut off, we will cut off the fins. If the fins are not cut off, because the fins are thorny, it is easy to hurt their mouths, so we must cut them clean so that the elderly and children You can rest assured when you eat it.

We also trim the tail of the perch. This is very beautiful. After all of them are cut off, we will cut the mouth of the perch a little. After the perch is cut, we can look at it and it will stand up.

Next, we will go to the perch. A knife in the stomach, and a knife on both sides. The first is to make it easier for us to taste the fish.

We also need to make two knifes on the back of the fish. The marinated fish is very delicious, and the steamed fish is fragrant. Look at it and make it like this Next, we will prepare a piece of ginger , cut it into thin slices, cut the slices, and then change the knife and cut them into shredded ginger.

After all the shredded ginger is cut, pour it into a bowl for later use, and then prepare a handful of shallots. Cut the shallots into sections. Put the shredded ginger together, then add a little cooking wine to the onion and ginger, then start to grab it and mix it evenly, grab it out of the onion and ginger juice, after catching the onion ginger juice, we put the fish in a larger bowl and then Put the onion and ginger water into the fish. At this time, we use the onion and ginger water to apply the onion and ginger water to the sea bass.

Apply all the onion and ginger water to the sea bass. After smearing it evenly, turn it over and spread it evenly in the belly of the fish. The fish that comes out is fragrant and the meat is very tender. After smearing it evenly, marinate it for about an hour. Next, we will cut a little ginger slices . After the ginger slices are cut, pour them into a bowl for later use. Prepare half a scallion and cut it into thin slices with an oblique knife.

After cutting it, put it together with the ginger slices. At this time, our sea bass is also marinated. Just give it the green onion and ginger juice and take it out. Then take the sea bass out to him. Then we prepare a larger plate and put the green onion slices on it. Put a few slices of ginger in the plate, arrange it neatly, then put the sea bass on it, put the sea bass in order, then we put a few slices of green onion on the fish, and then put a few slices of ginger , so that the steamed fish special Other fragrant, and there is no fishy smell after steaming like this , the meat is very fresh and tender , and it is very beautiful.

Next, we put it directly into the steamer, then cover the lid and steam for 15 minutes on high heat. We steam.

Be sure to wait for the water to boil and then steam for 20 minutes, so that the steamed meat will be fresh and tender. During this time, we will prepare another piece of ginger, cut into thin slices , and then cut the knife into shredded ginger.

After the shredded ginger is cut Pour it into a bowl for later use. Next, we will prepare a handful of shallots. We will break the leaves of the green onion with a knife. After the leaves are broken, we will roll it up. This will make it easier for us to cut beautiful onion shreds. After rolling it, we will use a knife to cut it. Cut the shredded onion so beautifully. After cutting it, spread it out with your hands and put it in the shredded ginger.

Next, we will prepare a big red pepper. Cut it in half, then cut it into shredded chili with a hard knife. The finer the cut, the better. It will be very beautiful. After all is cut, pour it into a bowl for later use. Next, pour in a little water. After cleaning it, take it out and put it in a bowl for use Stir it continuously with a spoon and stir it evenly. 

After stirring well, add a little coriander, then put the garlic slices, ginger shreds and green onions into the pot. Boil the aniseed ingredients in the pot to make the juice and the fragrance inside. Cook for about 1 minute. It’s almost there. The flavor in the spice has been cooked. Next, use the colander of the secret recipe to filter the aniseed out. 

We only need the sauce inside. At this time, our fish has been steamed. Wow, iits really fragrant. Then use a tong to take it out. Use chopsticks to take out the onion and ginger inside.

Take it out and put it all on the fish. After all are placed, pour hot oil to stimulate the fragrance of the ingredients. Then put us the boiled sauce is also poured on the fish. Wow, it's really fragrant. The steamed sea bass made by doing this is very delicious. 

The meat looks very fresh and smells very delicious. Today is National Day, and we all sit at home. The dish is really delicious. If everyone likes this method, you can save it and try it. look forward to the next recipe, hopefully useful. see you later


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