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Green onion egg cake, delicious with tricks, the whole process does not touch the noodles

Green onion egg cake, delicious with tricks, the whole process does not touch the noodles

Today, I'm going to share with you an old man's breakfast of egg pancakes. It's easy to learn, and the cost is less than 5 yuan. The egg pancakes made in this way will never go to the breakfast shop to eat again. They are clean and hygienic at home. It takes 2 spoons of flour and 3 eggs to make different tastes at home, and it is very delicious and very clean. The family loves it very much. 

Follow my video to see how I do it. First prepare a large bowl, add 4 spoons of flour into the big bowl, the amount of flour is determined according to the number of people in the family, if the population is large, you can make a little more. After the flour is ready, prepare a small bowl, add a spoonful of sugar, and then fill a small bowl with warm water and then stir it well with a spoon.

Here we want to emphasize that you must use warm water. Then use a spoon to stir the sugar evenly. After stirring the sugar, put it on a plate for later use. Next , we will stir the flour with chopsticks . Put the prepared sugar water into the flour, first put about 50 grams, and then use chopsticks to stir it up.

First, stir the flour to disperse it. Our sugar water cannot be added at one time. It must be added in batches, about three to four batches. Stir it around and then add 20 grams of sugar water, use chopsticks to stir it up again, stir the flour together, so our step is very important, we must give it a little more stirring to make it a little elastic, so it comes out like this The breakfast product is elastic and tastes better.

Stir it like this, and then pour the sugar water in. We must stir it quickly. Stir the flour into a paste. Do not stir too hard. Stir it until it is a little thinner, like cheese. So thin is better, so we have to keep stirring. This step is very important. If this step is not done well, the resulting breakfast product will not be elastic, the taste will not be good, and it will not be formed. Stir it like this and bite it with a spoon. 

The spoon is almost like a line. We just checked it. There is still flour that has not solidified, but it is still lumpy, so we need to stir it with a spoon. Many people use chopsticks to stir it casually when they make breakfast egg pancakes. They do the breakfast cake that comes out will be lumpy, and it will be very thick, and it will not taste good. Basically, it is almost like this.

Now it is stirred like milk, and it looks thinner than milk. At this time, we are almost done. Next, prepare a large bowl and add 4 eggs to the large bowl. The number of eggs is also determined according to the number of people in the family. After adding the eggs, use chopsticks to stir them up. Stir all the eggs into egg liquid.

We also have eggs here. Stir it evenly and don't make it into a lump. It's almost the same as the egg is stirred like this. Next, we prepare a handful of shallots. Cut the shallots into chopped green onions.

We need to chop the chopped green onions a little more finely. Don't cut them too thick. This is the breakfast product. It is special. After the chopped green onion is cut, pour it directly into the egg, then sprinkle with pepper to add 1 teaspoon of Mao Mao salt, and then stir it evenly with chopsticks.

Stir all the seasonings to dissolve, eat all the chopped green onion into the eggs, stir evenly, put it on a plate for later use, then prepare a pot, use a small brush to brush a thin layer of cooking oil in the pot, and brush a thin layer on it. Be sure to brush evenly. After brushing evenly, we turn on a small fire, scoop a spoonful of flour into the pot, and then shake the pot to make it read more evenly in the pot.

If it is not enough, we can add a little more, and it will be very beautiful. Be sure to turn on a low fire. If you turn on a high fire, it is easy to burn , and it will taste burnt. After the dough is formed, add a spoonful of egg liquid, put it on the dough, and then spread it evenly with a spoon, so that all the egg liquid is covered. Evenly wrap it on the dough. 

After the dough is all set, turn it over and fry it on the other side. After frying for 10 seconds, we can fold it up. A beautiful breakfast egg pie Basically it's done like this, then fold it up, open it up a bit with my method, fold it up on both sides as well, a beautiful breakfast omelet is done like this, doesn't it look very beautiful and do It is also very easy to come out. Even a novice who has never been in the kitchen can easily master it. Just fold it all up. A breakfast omelet like this is made in this way.

It is really special when it is done. Put a plate first, for those of you who ca n't see clearly, let's demonstrate another one . Pour the batter into the pot and sprinkle a thin layer of cooking oil on it. Turn on a small fire and let the batter dry slowly, just like me. After drying, we add egg liquid and pour it on top of the dough, then use a spoon to tidy it up, and tidy it up , so that the fragrance of the shallots will be more intense . Then shake the pan again to make the leaves more even.

After frying on one side, turn it over and fry the other side until it is set. Such a simple breakfast for the elderly is almost half made. Turn on a small fire again. Slowly fry it until it looks like this, then fold it up and make it in the same way. It's just a simple old man's breakfast.

Just do it. It's really special. Xiang. It costs at least 3 yuan to do this at a breakfast stand. If you make it at home, it will cost less than one yuan. According to this method, put all the breakfast cakes on the plate, and you can enjoy it beautifully, a beautiful, good-looking and delicious one. This is the way to make egg pancakes for breakfast. It's really delicious. Now that the school is on holiday, if I have time at home, I can make it for my children. It’s simple and convenient.

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