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Vegan Breakfast Pizza - SOS-free

Breakfast pizza was one of my childhood favorite meals. But it was chock-full of unhealthy, animal-based products. This healthy version is vegan, salt-free, oil-free, and sugar-free. It will leave you full and satisfied without the food hangover!


Vegan Breakfast Pizza - SOS-free

Today I'm super excited to be making a breakfast pizza. When I was little, breakfast pizza was one of my favorite meals, and the one that my mom made had probably about a pound of cheese on it, some ground breakfast sausage, and a bunch of eggs poured all over the top, and it was so delicious. But today we are making it vegan, and we are going to have a little healthier spin on it.


So instead of all of those animal-based products, we're going to use a tofu scramble. So this video is really going to have three recipes in one. Normally when I'm cooking I would probably stop at the tofu scramble. So you'll see how I make a tofu scramble, that's recipe one. And then I'm also making a cheesy sauce, that'll be recipe two. And then we're putting it all together for our breakfast pizza.

Setting up ingredients


So let's go ahead and get started. So the first thing I want to do is gather all my ingredients and start measuring everything out. While this recipe is relatively easy, it does have quite a few steps, so getting everything together just makes the process a lot less chaotic. Right now I'm measuring out the spices for both the cheesy sauce and the tofu scramble. Now don't worry about the amounts and exactly what I'm measuring here, I will have a blog post with all of that.

Preparing the pizza crust


Next up I'm finishing my pizza dough. So I didn't record it, but that measuring cup just has some warm water and the yeast.


So I was letting that activate while I was measuring all of the other ingredients. And I'm not going to tell you this recipe because it's actually not my recipe. Today I decided to use Dillon's recipe from Well Your World, so I definitely recommend checking out his YouTube channel to find this pizza dough recipe, or you can just use any pizza dough that you like.


This one is SOS-free, and it's really easy to put together. I am not a baker, and I don't do a lot with making different kinds of doughs, but this one comes together so easy and it's pretty foolproof. But you could also use any pre-made pizza crust that you like. There's the Plantstrong pizza crust that is also oil-free, and I believe it's salt-free as well.

Tofu scramble - chopping onion, greens


I don't have a Whole Foods or Trader Joe's near me but I know some people have also been able to get SOS-free pizza crusts there. So really just use any pizza crust you like. And now I'm moving on to prep for the tofu scramble.


I'm using a firm tofu, but you could use medium, firm, extra firm. I probably wouldn't use a soft tofu just because it'll break apart too much, so you want something that will stay together a little bit. So here are the veggies for the tofu scramble.


I'm chopping up a purple onion or red onion, whatever you like to call it. And the way I chop an onion is something I learned from Alton Brown on the Food Network. Anybody else watch Good Eats out there? So instead of chopping the onions straight up and down and then some people slice it horizontally, I slice it following the curve of the onion. And then you go across to make your dice, and it makes nice, perfect, little pieces.

Tofu scramble - chopping mushrooms

So I'll just continue to chop up all the rest of my veggies for the tofu scramble.For the mushrooms, you can chop both the stems and the tops if you like.This particular batch of mushrooms that I had the stems were really woody and tough so I decided to remove them. But do not throw them away. I like to keep a bag in my freezer with veggie scraps, and mushroom stems are perfect for making a veggie broth.

Tofu scramble - chopping peppers


It adds so much flavor and is really delicious. So I'm just popping all of those off and then I'll chop the rest of the mushrooms. And then normally I would use a regular sized bell pepper. I would probably do half of each red, orange, yellow, and green bell peppers. But those didn't look good at my grocery store this week, so I went ahead and just got these little mini baby bell peppers.

Tofu scramble - sauteing mushrooms and onions


They taste basically just the same, the prep is just a little more intense because of chopping each individual little pepper instead of just being able to chop the whole peppers. But that's okay, it'll taste pretty good either way. Let's hop over to the stove to start sauteing our veggies for the tofu scramble. So I'm not using any oil. Mushrooms and onions will give off a lot of liquid.

Cheesy sauce - adding ingredients to food processor


If you need to you can add a little splash as things start to stick. And you'll just let those cook. Meanwhile I'm going to get going on the cheesy sauce. So I'm opening a can of beans, and I'll go ahead and drain those and give them a good rinse. And then everything just goes in the food processor.

Tofu scramble - adding peppers, tofu, spices to skillet


Again I'll put all of the measurements and ingredients in a blog post, but we've got your basics apple cider vinegar, mustard, and then I'll add all of those spices that I measured out, and some nutritional yeast. And before I blend that up, I need to go check on my veggies.


I forgot to record showing me dump the peppers in, but I've added the peppers to the mushrooms and onions, and we'll just let those continue to cook. And then we'll add my mixture of greens just to let those wilt. [music] For our tofu, you don't need to press the tofu, I just give it a good squeeze to get most of the liquid out.


But as you cook it the liquid will come out. And a little bit of liquid is nice for this. Like I said we're not using oil, so adding a little bit of water is how we keep things from sticking. So if your tofu has some water in it that's fine. And then you're just going to crumble the tofu into scrambled egg like pieces, so you can break this up as much or as little as you want, and as you continue to cook and stir it around the pieces will break up a little more.

Cheesy sauce - blending


I'll add all of my spices and then mix everything up really well to get it all incorporated.And at this point you might want to even add a little more liquid, that just helps all of the spices get distributed. And I like to cover this, I think it just helps all of the spices blend together a little bit. So I'll let that cook a little more while I go back to finish my cheesy sauce. So I like to start by pulsing a few times and then just let the processor run.

Finishing tofu scramble


You can let it go until it gets as smooth as you like. If you really wanted a smooth cheesy sauce, you might want to do this in a high powered blender like a Vitamix, but I think it's just fine in the food processor. And we'll go check on our tofu scramble. There's nothing in here that really actually needs to cook, so unlike making actual scrambled eggs we don't need to worry about any salmonella.

Rolling out pizza dough


So we're really just heating this up and letting all the flavors come together so that looks pretty good. Next up I'm going to roll out my pizza dough. Like I said you can make your own dough or you can go with a pre-made pizza dough. Again the recipe I used was Dillon's recipe from Well Your World. The dough is a little sticky, but it's really easy to just press it out into the shape that you need. So we'll press that evenly, and I'm not really making a crust on the edge of the pizza, I just roll it out flat so it's more kind of like a thin crust pizza, I guess, and I pile my toppings on all the way to the edge.

Adding toppings to pizza


And once that's how you like it, I put just a little bit of the cheesy sauce on the bottom and I'll spread that out just so we have a base to help our toppings stick a little bit. And then we'll pile the tofu scramble all around. We probably will have a little tofu scramble left over but it is great as leftovers. You can even freeze tofu scramble. It'll be a little watery when you defrost it, but if you made too much and you're not able to finish it, go ahead and throw it in the freezer, and it'll be fine later.



Finally we'll drizzle some cheesy sauce. Once again you can put as much or as little of this as you like. And with your leftover cheesy sauce you can do so many things. It works great to make nachos, you could make a taco bowl, it's great just over a baked potato. I like to take a baked potato, top it with some beans and rice, and then pour the cheesy sauce and some salsa over top, and it's delicious.

Baking the pizza

So we'll throw the pizza into the oven, depending on your individual oven you would go anywhere from 400 to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. I'll bake it for about 20 minutes until the crust is baked all the way through. Alright friends, it is taste test time and I am so excited it smells so good in here.


I wish you could try it. So I mean, look how loaded that is, so delicious. Alright here we go. So it's definitely different from the pizza that I had in my childhood, but honestly I think if I ate that today it would make me feel terrible. I've changed my taste buds, so since I don't eat oil anymore, anytime I do eat something that has a little bit of oil or grease it just doesn't taste good to me anymore.


With something like this you can actually taste all of the flavors of the natural foods, and it's so delicious and refreshing. And I'll be honest with you I'm probably going to eat about half of this pizza in one sitting, and I know that I'll feel great afterwards.


I'll feel energized instead of feeling sluggish like I used to when I would eat a half a pizza. And you can totally change this up, so what I showed you today is just my basic kind of traditional breakfast flavor tofu scramble, but you could switch up the veggies you use, change the spices, you could do like taco kind of spices, or curry flavors, really any kind of spices you like. And then instead of the cheese sauce, you could do some other kind of sauce.


Maybe you want to do a barbecue pizza and add some barbecue sauce on top. So as with all plant-based recipes, the sky really is the limit.You can mix and match as you please, and I'm sure you'll come up with some great ideas. If you do try this out or if you swap something out, let me know in the comments how it goes.


Hey, I also forgot, I wanted to mention that the way I made this recipe today is totally SOS-free. So that's salt- oil- and sugar-free. But if that's not something that you're concerned with you can feel free to add a little bit of salt.


You could add salt to the tofu scramble, or you could add it to the cheese sauce. I'm not completely salt-free, but I avoid it when I can. So I think this is delicious without the salt, my palate has also adjusted though. So if you were serving this to friends or if you yourself are not used to a low salt diet, feel free to add a little bit.


Thanks for visited and I'll see you next time.Okay.


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